Join the Horizn-studios DE affiliate programme

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Horizn is an international Smart Travel Brand headquartered in Berlin. Our team of engineers and designers develops innovative travel products and services for the digital age, with the aim of making everyone’s journey seamless and enjoyable. We are frequent travelers, digital nomads and design aficionados. We believe in challenging the status quo; moving
Live seit : 16.11.2015


  • Provisionsdetails: 8%
  • Durschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit: -
  • Cookie-Laufzeit: bis zu 90 Tage
  • Verdienst pro 100 Klicks: 14.27
Provision 8%
  • Conversion rate*:0.59%

  • Verdienst pro 100 Klicks*:14.27

  • Provision: 8%

  • Cookie-Laufzeit: bis zu 90 Tage

  • Durschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit:-

Do you have what it takes?

Details about the Horizn-studios DE affiliate programme...

Programme description

(Scrollen Sie runter für Deutsch)


Horizn is an international Smart Travel Brand headquartered in Berlin. Our team of engineers and designers develops innovative travel products and services for the digital age, with the aim of making everyone’s journey seamless and enjoyable. We are frequent travelers, digital nomads and design aficionados. We believe in challenging the status quo; moving forwards in a world where travel is easy, every journey is an adventure and curiosity drives us all.

Every Horizn product has been designed with you in mind. We’ve carefully chosen meaningful features for all of our products, each added to make your travel experience effortless from the start. From our Smart Charger to the GPS, Travel Assistant and proximity alert—we make sure you’re connected when you need it most.

As a design-driven brand, we’ve scoured the globe for the best engineers, materials and manufacturing partners and settle for nothing but the best. Our premium German polycarbonate is aerospace-grade quality, our top-flight 360° spinner wheels are engineered and manufactured in Japan and our leather is naturally tanned and handcrafted in ... View More

Are you a good fit?

SEM-Bedingungen-Überblick : eingeschränkt

Geotargeting: keine

Marketingkanäle for the Horizn-studios DE programme are:
  • Browser extension
  • Cashback site
  • Community forum
  • Comparison Shopping Service (CSS)
  • Competition/Freebie site
  • Content site
  • Discount/Voucher site
  • Display
  • Editorial content
  • Employee benefits
  • Incentive/loyalty site
  • Influencer/Blog
  • Influencer/Social media
  • Lead generation
  • Newsletter
  • Onsite/technology partner
  • SEM zur eigenen Seite
  • Price comparison site
  • Remarketing
  • Retargeting
  • Rewards
  • SEO
  • Shopping directory
  • Social commerce
  • Subnetwork
  • PPC to advertiser site
  • Toolbars

What Werbemittel will be available to you?

The Horizn-studios DE programme brings you these promotional tools:

Wichtigste Fakten

  • Freigeschaltet für Gutschein-Code
  • Keywords:Taschen, Gepäck, Re ...

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